1001 Inventions

Multimedia Video: 1001 Inventions and The Library of Secrets Oscar-winning actor and screen legend Sir Ben Kingsley has taken the starring role in this short feature film about the scientific heritage of Muslim civilisation.

2017-12-19T18:22:35-07:00April 26th, 2012|Uncategorized|

Why Islam on CNN

(CNN) – Want to learn more about Islam? There’s a hotline for that. And, through the end of the month, lots of roadside billboards to get the word out about it. Two 48 foot-tall billboards towering over the New Jersey Turnpike bear the messages "877-Why-Islam — Get the Facts” and [...]

2017-12-01T00:21:42-07:00August 16th, 2011|Uncategorized|

In time for Ramadan, Toll-free hotline seeks to educate NJ residents about Islam

Like many Muslims, Asim Khan is tired of the prejudice against his religion. The president of the Islamic Circle of North America New Jersey chapter welcomes curiosity. But he wishes those with questions about Islam would ask him or other Muslims before jumping to conclusions. "Rather than absorb knowledge from [...]

2017-12-01T00:21:44-07:00June 2nd, 2011|Uncategorized|

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2017-12-01T00:21:46-07:00September 4th, 2010|Uncategorized|
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