Islamic History, Culture and Heritage in Asia


By Saulat Pervez When then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited Indonesia in February, 2009, she remarked, “If you want to know if Islam, democracy, modernity and women’s rights can coexist, go to Indonesia.” Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini expressed similar sentiments during a conference hosted by the Italian Foreign [...]

2017-12-01T00:19:02-07:00February 15th, 2015|Asia, Muslim Heritage, Muslim World|

Baghdad: Foundation

The Founding of Baghdad Abbasid Caliph al-Mansur founded Baghdad on July 20, 762 C.E., intending it to serve as the capital of Islam and calling it “Madinat-us-Salaam,” or City of Peace. Baghdad was also known as the Round City because it was constructed in a circular shape, consisting of [...]

2017-12-01T00:19:59-07:00September 24th, 2014|Asia, Muslim Heritage|

Islam in Asia: Introduction

The diversity of Muslims in Asia From the Middle East to southeastern Asia, from central Asia to the Pacific Islands, the diversity in Asia is striking. Yet, despite cultural differences, the religion of Islam forms a common thread across Asia. The majority of people in countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan, [...]

2017-12-19T18:21:40-07:00October 20th, 2011|Asia, Muslim World|

Baghdad: Decline

Mongols attack Baghdad By the thirteenth century, the caliphate had weakened due to internal rivalries and a decadent lifestyle. In the wake of such fragmentation, the Mongols attacked in 1258 and devastated the city and its inhabitants. The civilized people of Baghdad were horrified at the savage ways of the [...]

2017-12-01T00:21:45-07:00January 3rd, 2011|Asia, Muslim World|

Baghdad: Famous Scholars

Islam: More than just a religion Islam was the major catalyst which enabled Baghdad to reach its glorified stature. In addition to encouraging the gathering of knowledge and the use of reasoning, Islam was more than just a religion. Being a “way of life”, it was not confined to [...]

2017-12-01T00:21:45-07:00January 3rd, 2011|Asia, Muslim World|
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