Strengthening Bonds

Musaddique Thange, 35, hopes to bring more self-discipline and piety in his life through the fast of Ramadan. Breaking the fast with his family, while difficult at times, is one of his priorities. “In my opinion, Ramadan is not only a personal spiritual endeavor but should also be an opportunity [...]

2017-12-01T00:21:45-07:00September 8th, 2010|Fasting, Islam, Ramadan|

Why Muslims Fast

An excerpt from AbdulWahid Hamid's Islam The Natural Way Every year, for one complete lunar month-the ninth month in the Islamic calendar, adult Muslims are required to fast. From dawn to sunset in the month of Ramadan, they refrain from all food and drink and sexual relations with the spouse. [...]

2017-12-01T00:22:08-07:00June 24th, 2010|Fasting, Ramadan|


Fasting is an act of deep personal worship to God in which Muslims seek to raise their level of God-consciousness. The act of fasting redirects the heart away from worldly activities and towards the remembrance of God. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar. It begins with [...]

2017-12-01T00:22:08-07:00June 24th, 2010|Fasting, Ramadan|
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