Shariah Laws and Women: Interpretations and Misinterpretations

By Dr. Jasser Auda Women’s issues are the real test for the current Islamic reform. The reason is that groundless and unfair differentiation between men and women is deeply embedded in many popular opinions that we inherited from the eras of decline of the Islamic civilization. First of all, it [...]

2017-12-19T19:23:56-07:00January 31st, 2015|Islam, Islam et Question de Genre, Women in Islam|

Why do women in Muslim countries not have the same rights as women in the West, such as rights for education and employment?

Gender issues the world over, including the Muslim world need urgent attention. However, the issues faced by women in the Muslim world are of a vastly different nature as compared to issues faced by women in the West. Firstly it is important to differentiate between the status of women in [...]

2017-12-01T00:21:43-07:00August 9th, 2011|Islam et Question de Genre|
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